I'm a Mormon

Sunday, January 6, 2013

This Is True Happiness.

i am so excited to go and do grandpa’s baptism tomorrow!! we gave a blessing to an old lady this week too.. it reminded me of grandpa's blessing.

this week was great!  we were finally able to teach our less actives (now fully active) sister and she is golden!  her daughter begs her to come to church ever since they came to the ward Christmas party. the mom trusts us more now and not the internet, she also loves the Book of Mormon. our ward has a new mission plan, which includes allowing us to take investigators to meals with members. we took an investigator last night and the members were awesome and we now know our investigators needs!

our most progressive investigator came to church hung over yesterday, which i actually count as a huge miracle. since she wasn't feeling well, we were able to explain to her that the ward wasn't giving her pressure to be a member, but that they were just being friendly. she has 2 great fellow shippers and she says, she loves 'progressing' in her knowledge.

our new gospel doctrine class started and it was perfect to have her learn about Heavenly Father. we are excited for the news of our investigator that we 家俺d to 何乞 is getting baptized. She lives right next to our church and will come to our ward. When the sisters came into our area, we referred them to her, Elder Clawson is hoping that he can baptize her since she was one of the first people he taught and testified to.

the English class we started 3 transfers ago, is now up to 26 people and almost 1/2 are members. our ward is getting excited!  we have 2 less actives coming to church weekly and since we have found an investigator through the less actives, we are going to be focusing this month on less actives and finding more contacts through them. our focus on investigators is fellow shippers and getting them all to church so the ward can do the rest of the work.

i love missionary work!  this is true happiness!  my personal study is good and I have been able to focus more lately.  this week I found it interesting to use the commandment of the Sabbath day with the message of the restoration. training is good no complaints.

we have progressing investigators, member’s trust, and great relationships with everyone involved. it is a huge blessing to see this area progress so much!
have a good week!  i love missionary work!

Elder Hunter

1 comment:

  1. Just received this message from Yunwoo:

    "called him!!!! you know what? His korean is amazing! really! His pronunciation is perfect! I was surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should be proud of your great missionary!"
