I'm a Mormon

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Mission President

wow well this week not much happened except for our mission president finished his mission.  so so so sad. good news is though he is moving into my ward!! so i will see him at least every sunday!  how is everyone doing??  because of so many busy things last week we weren't really able to meet with our investigators.  i did go out and contact with a member in our ward and then after that go contact with the bishop hahaha it was a blast.  so so so funny.  so that was good.  also we did a contacting where we gave out blown up balloons twisted into the shape of dogs so that was cool to see people see us as humans not as just crazy foreigners. 
as far as how I'm doing I'm doing great transfers coming to an end is always stressful just kinda preparing to say goodbye. for personal study i have been studying a lot in mosiah.  i have a book of mormon manual and guess who had given a talk about mosiah 15;10-11 the one and only Merrill Bateman!!  April 1995.  

On my mission i have come to really not just appreciate the Atonement but understand it just a little!  In verse 10- make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed.  Pres. Bateman goes on to say 'Abinadi explains that 'his seed' are the righteous, those who follow the prophets. In the garden and the cross, Jesus saw each of us and not only bore our sins, but also experienced our deepest feelings so that He would know how to comfort and strengthen us.'  This is so true! Especially since being out here i have been able to see that the Atonement does more then just comfort me it strengthens me.  I read the entire talk and after just thought how blessed I am for the Atonement.  I am so thankful for this mission!!  Abinadi sealed his testimony with his death,(moroni 17;20) i don't exactly have that opportunity but i do have my mission and the rest of my life!  

I hope to always strive to do that!  Also i read the talk 'was it worth it' by elder evans from this last conference.  being able to share that talk with members this week really has helped me put into perspective how truly important my life as a missionary, son, future father and husband is in sharing this gospel!

i hope everyone is doing well!! I'm doing great the work here is awesome!! thanks for everything! be someones miracle today!
Elder Hunter

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