I'm a Mormon

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thanks BIG DAN!

pics from our ward activity on wednesday...
hey everyone so not much news from korea..EXCEPT THAT BIG DAN NORMAN TOOK ME AND MY COMP OUT FOR A MEAL! HOLY COW! so great to see someone from home and actually have permission to do so!!  so so fun! he was so great treated us to an awesome steak dinner and even got me a nice chocolate brownie with some ice cream.  it was so so great! thanks everyone for sending me some more goods too!! jan-  you are the best!! i have been craving some cream cheese brownies! you came through again! thank you much!! now i just have to keep the other missionaries away from them! wow!!
so this last wednesday was memorial day here in korea. it was so awesome.  we went to a park in the country about an hour and a half away.  our ward rented to big charter buses.  is was so cool.  we took an investigator with us and wow it was so much fun. we had a bbq and played so many games!!! it was a blast!!!!  it was so neat talking to him after, as he said that he had never seen a big family like this and he loved how much they really do treat each other like a big family!!!  on the way back,  there was some road delays everyone was so exhausted from a full days worth of play.  i was sitting in the back of the bus just looking out the window seeing the wonderful country side of korea as the sun was setting. so amazing.  the fact that anyone can deny there is a God amazes me. 

sorry for all those reading but this is a soft message.  after spending all day with these amazing people it really got to me! not only seeing how a ward should be but also seeing how blessed i am to see how well fathers treat their daughters and wives. how even grown ups believe its ok to be a kid.  i am so blessed to be here in a time where i can grow so much and learn by example from people that care about me so much, even though i am just another missionary to them.  i truly am so blessed.
as far as my personal study goes. i read through elder hollands talk again this week.  i cant get over that Gods favorite thing about being God is being merciful.  it is so true. i have felt that mercy in my life. especially out here as a missionary where i really see my mistakes.  the atonement is so real.  elder hollands last words to us all, were; 'dont delay. its getting late.' this is so true and what a profound prophetic statement.  I also read elder hales and elder eyrings talk, mountains to climb. i like elder eyring feel that i prayed early on for challenges that were beyond my capability.  however through them i have come to truly KNOW God.  I promise anyone who wants to come closer to Him, can.  its not to late. be someones miracle! thank you all so much for everything you have done for me! i love you!!

Elder Hunter

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